At Formorrow, we take responsibility for the future. With an open mind about tomorrow, while knowing exactly where we are today. That makes this CSR page a work in progress. So read all about our ambitions. And come back regularly for updates.
Latest update of this page: 22-11-2021
Towards a climate-neutral future
We believe you can only take big steps if you know exactly where you want to go. That’s what makes our climate goal so clear: we intend to be a CO2-neutral organisation. Yes, pretty ambitious. How we plan to realise it? By not taking half measures today, but whole ones. And investigating the effective steps that we can take tomorrow. We’ll keep you posted on these steps, and what we find out along the way.
What we’re already doing:
- Our pension fund invests 100 per cent in green projects.
- We’re implementing a 100 per cent CO2-neutral mobility policy. All our cars are electric. Alternatively, employees can opt for travelling expenses to come by bike or by train.
- We have a no-mess policy: no paper waste and no wasteful perks.
- We eat as little meat as possible at lunchtime. And to use electricity sparingly, wherever possible we use lights that are triggered by motion sensors.
- We’re investigating our next steps, especially when it comes to IT. Did you know that the CO2 emissions of the IT and internet industry approach those of global air traffic?
- We eat as little meat as possible during lunch. And where possible, we use lights based on motion sensors, so that we can work efficiently with electricity.
“We take our responsibility for the world of tomorrow very seriously”
Frank Boersma – Directeur
Towards a truly inclusive workplace
In an ideal world everyone has equal opportunities, irrespective of background, gender, sexual orientation or physical limitations. Easily said, but not quite so easily done. This is why our diversity policy starts by identifying our blind spots. It’s the only way to work towards a 100 per cent inclusive Formorrow.
Our hiring policy
- We’re working on an open culture, always monitoring what we do well and what can be done better. We plan to train our recruitment team regularly on diversity, for example.
- Our self-developed assessment process underscores our open hiring policy.
- To make sure bias never plays a role, every new team member and every Formorrower deals with different selection panels.
Our team
- We’re not looking for specific types, we’re always looking for individual talent.
- 30 per cent of our trainees are women, compared with 18 per cent nationwide.
- 50 per cent of our management team are women – and that’ll remain the case in future.
- We’re very serious about establishing a diverse and international team.
- Every employee is given the opportunity to optimally combine work and care responsibilities. This also puts fewer people in traffic tailbacks – reducing emissions.
Our website
- We use accessible language, accessible to everyone.
- We promote good legibility, for the visually impaired too.
- We avoid gender-specific fields, so you can sign up anonymously.
“It is important to be reflective towards yourself and to want to continuously improve.”
Mirjam Nijenhuis – Marketing manager