Sign up

Curious how Formorrow can help you shape your career? Just sign up for a phone intake with one of our Talent Advisors. We’d love to hear all about your studies, wishes and plans. And of course we’ll tell you exactly what you can expect from your Formorrow journey.

How you’ll make your Formorrow journey
- Sign up and upload your resumé. Prefer to sign up anonymously? No problem at all.
- First we’ll check if your resumé is a fit with us; then we’ll confirm your intake.
- Accepted? During our Discovery Day you’ll get to know yourself better and find out which jobs are most-suited to you.
- Based on your insights, we’ll find the employer that will bring out the best in you.
- Starting your new job will coincide with starting at the Formorrow Academy.
For all your questions
With whom do I go through the Discovery Day? And how long will it take?
You will go through the Discovery Day together with an assessment psychologist. Often one of our consultants will also join you to tell you more about the employers that we work with. The Discovery Day lasts approximately 4 hours.
The Discovery Day takes place at our office. During the partial lockdown, we work from home as much as possible. So for the time being we will conduct our Discovery Days digitally.
Do I have to prepare something?
The Discovery Day is the start of your orientation and we take that very seriously. We therefore ask you to complete a few tests at home and to send us your CV.
Is the Discovery Day non-binding?
Your orientation via Formorrow is completely non-binding. You’re not tied to anything. The intake, the Discovery Day and all conversations that follow with employers: no strings attached.
How do you match me with the vacancy and employer?
With our well-founded Formorrow method, we help you in three phases to take your future into your own hands: Know, Find, Grow. This scientifically proven method is deeply rooted in our Discovery Day. Based on your findings from the Discovery Day, we carefully examine which employers are the best fit for you.